The UNESCO Collection of Representative Works was created in 1948 as a cooperation and cultural understanding programme. Its aim was to encourage the translation, publication and distribution in the major languages – English, French, Spanish and Arabic – of works of literary and cultural importance that are nevertheless not well known outside their original national boundaries or linguistic communities.
The works have been published as co-editions in partnership with publishers from all over the world. To date, the catalogue of these works contains some 1,300 titles from more than 80 countries, translated from 100 or so different languages.
UNESCO’s collection includes the following titles by Turkish authors:
Anday, Melih Cevdet
Offrandes. Poèmes 1946-1989
Traditional Turkish poems by a team of translators under the direection of Timour Muhidine
Paris, Éditions Publisud/Éditions UNESCO, 1998. (Bilingual French/Turkish)
Ulysse bras attachés et autres poèmes
Poetry translated from the Turkish by Turhan Doyran, Sabahattin Eyuboglu and Hifzi Topuz; introduction by Sabahattin Eyuboglu
Paris, Saint-Germain-des-Prés/UNESCO, 1970 (FRENCH)
Emre, Younous
Le divan
Preface and translation from the Turkish by Yves Régnier
Paris, Gallimard/UNESCO, 1963
Entre les murailles et la mer. Trente-deux poètes turcs contemporains
Poetry translated by Michèle Aquien, Guzine Dino and Pierre Chuvin
Paris, François Maspero/UNESCO, 1982 (FRENCH)
Gürmen, Osman Necmi
L’espadon [Kiliç uykuda vurulur]
Novel translated by Anne Courcelle with a preface by V. Vassilikos
Paris, Gallimard/UNESCO, 1979 (FRENCH)
Karaosmanoglu, Yakup Kadri
L’étranger [Yaban]
Novel translated by Ferda Fidan with a preface by Nedim Gürsel
Paris, Cent Pages/UNESCO, 1989 (FRENCH)
Sabahattin Ali
Youssouf le taciturne [Kuycakli Yusuf]
Preface and introduction by Paul Dumont
Cergy/Paris, Publications orientalistes de France/UNESCO, 1977 (FRENCH)
Bilbasar, Kemal
Gemmo [Cemo]
Novel set in Eastern Anatolia in the twenties, as Kemal Pasha attempted to destroy the feudal system.and take Turkey into the contemporary world
Translated by Esin B. Rey and Mariana Fitzpatrick
London/Paris, Peter Owen/UNESCO, 1976 (ENGLISH)
Taner, Haldun
Thickhead and Other Stories
Short stories translated from the Turkish by Geoffrey Lewis
London/Boston, Mass./Paris, Forest Books/UNESCO, 1988 (ENGLISH)
Kemal, Yasar
El Halcón [Ince Memed]
Well-received story of Memed, a poor orphan, who takes revenge against a tyrant
Translated from the Turkish by Rafael Carpintero Ortega
Barcelona/Paris, Ediciones B/Ediciones UNESCO, 1997 (SPANISH)
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