PEN Presents supports and showcases sample translations, funding the often-unpaid work of creating samples, giving UK publishers access to titles from underrepresented languages and regions, and helping diversify the translated literature landscape.

Explore our latest issue of selected samples, edited and ready to be acquired by publishers of literature in translation into English, and find out about upcoming rounds of PEN Presents.

Explore Issue 1
Literatures of the languages of India

Six samples representing four of the languages of India – Bangla, Hindi, Kannada and Gujarati – were selected for the inaugural round of PEN Presents, in partnership with the British Council. Explore the books and read the samples.

Explore Issue 1

Explore Issue 2
Seven languages and seven regions

Seven samples, representing seven languages and seven regions, have been selected for the second round of PEN Presents.

Explore Issue 2

Apply to join the assessor pool

Projects shortlisted for PEN Presents (as well as all applications to PEN Translates) are independently assessed by a translator commissioned to provide a reader report. Our independent Selection Panel makes decisions informed by these reports. During our grant submission windows (October–November and April–May), we are also open for literary translators to apply to join our pool of assessors. Find out more and apply to join the pool on our Translation Grant Assessor page.

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Explore all the samples selected through PEN Presents.