English PEN shares PEN International’s deep concern about the deteriorating climate for freedom of expression in Nicaragua. Since the outbreak of social protests against reforms to the country‚Äôs social security system in April 2018, the Nicaraguan authorities have failed to defend its citizens‚Äô human rights, including their rights to freedom of expression, peaceful assembly and information.
Writers, journalists, bloggers, and citizens who have been reporting on the situation have faced intimidation, threats, attacks, harassment, as well as the robbery and confiscation of their equipment. PEN calls on the Nicaraguan authorities to protect its citizens’ human rights, including the rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly.
For further background information please visit the PEN International website.
Please send appeals to the Nicaraguan authorities:
- Expressing alarm at their failure to defend its citizens’ human rights;
- Urging them to protect the rights of all to freely express their opinions without fear of reprisal;
- Urging the immediate investigation of the deaths, damage to property and persecution of journalists, bloggers and writers, ensuring that there are sufficient financial, material and human resources to seek and publish the results of such investigations, and bring the perpetrators to justice;
- Calling on them to refrain from making public statements that stigmatise journalists, and others, and from using state media outlets to conduct public campaigns that may encourage violence against individuals because of their opinions;
- Urging them to comply with its obligations to protect freedom of expression and assembly as a signatory to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
Appeals to:
President of the Republic
Daniel Ortega
Presidencia de la Republica
frente a Palacio Nacional
4 Calle Noroeste
Nicaragua, 11001
Fax: +505 2228 9090
Twitter: @EPP_Nicaragua
Salutation: Dear President/ Estimado Presidente
Please also send copies to the Nicaraguan Embassy here in the UK:
Her Excellency Guisell Morales-Echaverry
Embassy of Nicaragua
Suite 31, Vicarage House
58-60 Kensington Church Street
W8 4DB
Fax: 020 7937 0952
Twitter: @embaniclondon
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]
Please keep us informed of any action you take, including any responses you receive from the authorities via the comments box below or via email to [email protected]